Site Slow | Quick Way Speed Up Your WordPress Website

Do you have a WordPress website? But it takes more than 3 seconds to load. That means your website is slow and needs to speed up. Nowadays many of WordPress users facing this problem. So in this article, I show you how to speed up your WordPress website with an investment of a few minutes. 

Why Is Your WordPress Site Slow?

There are a number of things that can cause a WordPress site to become slow. Some common reasons include:
  1. High traffic: If your site is receiving a large amount of traffic, it can slow down due to the increased load on the server.
  2. Large or unoptimized images: Images can take up a lot of space in server and can slow down page loading times. Because the images are not properly optimized.
  3. Unoptimized or outdated plugins: Plugins can slow down a site if they are not optimized or if they are outdated and not compatible with the current version of WordPress.
  4. Slow hosting: A slow hosting service can also slow down your site, so it’s important to make sure you are using a reputable hosting provider with fast servers.
  5. Poorly coded theme: Similar as above. If your theme is not well coded or is not properly optimized it can cause your site to slow down.

Why Is Site Speed Important?

Site speed is important for a few reasons:
  1. User experience: A slow-loading site can be frustrating for users, and they may leave the site before it finishes loading. Fast page load times are essential for maintaining a positive user experience.
  2. Search engine optimization: Site speed is a factor in search engine rankings. Search engines like Google want to provide the best possible experience for their users, and they will favor fast-loading sites over slow-loading sites in their search results.
  3. Conversion rates: A fast-loading site can help improve conversion rates by providing a better user experience and increasing the chances that users will complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.
  4. Bounce rate: Slow loading pages will increase the bounce rate, which means more people leave the website without visiting any other pages. A fast loading website will encourage users to visit more pages, stay longer, and possibly convert.
  5. Mobile optimization: With an increase in mobile device usage, faster loading time is even more important for mobile users, who may have slower internet connections or data usage limits.

Solve The Problem And Speed Up Your WordPress Website

1. Keep Your WordPress Site Updated

Keeping your WordPress site updated is important for many reasons. New updates often include security patches that help you to protect your site from hackers and other security purposes. They also include bug fixing and new features that can help you to improve your site performance and functionality.

3. Choose A Fast WordPress Theme

Choosing a fast WordPress theme can also be helpful in optimizing the speed of your site. 

  1. Look for a theme that is “lightweight” or “performance-optimized”. These types of themes are designed to be fast and efficient, and they often include built-in caching and performance-enhancing features.
  2. Check the theme’s page load time using a tool named GTmetrix or Google PageSpeed Insights. A fast-loading theme will have a low page load time and high scores on these tools.
  3. Make sure the theme is well-coded, and avoid themes that include a lot of unnecessary features or bloated code, as these can slow down your site.
  4. Consider the theme’s design and features, and make sure they match your needs and the purpose of your website. A theme with a lot of fancy features, but a bloated code can make it slow
  5. Use high quality website hosting

Using high-quality website hosting is another important factor in ensuring that your WordPress site loads quickly and efficiently. Hosting providers offer different packages with varying levels of resources, such as CPU, RAM, and storage, which can affect the performance of your site. Choosing a reputable hosting provider with fast servers and plenty of resources can help ensure that your site performs well and can handle high levels of traffic.

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4. Use Caching (must-do for WordPress)

Using caching can definitely help speed up your website by reducing the load on your server and serving static versions of your pages and posts to visitors. Caching can be implemented using a caching plugin on your WordPress site, or by using server-side caching techniques like browser caching, page caching, and object caching.

5. Use Cloudflare or A CDN(Content Delivery Network)

Another way to improve the speed and performance of your website is by using Cloudflare or a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Cloudflare is a content delivery network that can help speed up your website by caching its content and distributing it to servers located in different parts of the world. This can help reduce the gape that data has to travel to reach visitors, which can improve load times.

Use Cloudflare or a CDN(Content Delivery Network) - iamsakibulislam

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a network of servers that distribute the content of your website across multiple locations. It helps to minimize the loading time for the user, by sending the content from a server located in the same region or country. This can be a good option if your website receives a lot of traffic from different locations.

6. Clean Up Your Media Library

Cleaning up your media library can also help improve the speed of your website. As your site grows, your media library can become cluttered with images, videos, and other files that are no longer being used. You can clean up your media library by:

  • Deleting old or unneeded images and videos
  • Optimizing images by compressing them and reducing their file size
  • Removing any duplicate images and files
  • Using a plugin such as Media Cleaner to automatically find and delete unused files

7. Remove Unnecessary URL Redirects

Removing unnecessary URL redirects can help speed up your website by reducing the time it takes for the browser to navigate between pages. Each redirect requires an additional HTTP request-response cycle, which adds to the overall load time of your site. By identifying and removing any unnecessary redirects, you can help improve the speed of your website.

8. Disable Any Plugins You’re Not Using

Disabling any plugins you’re not using can also help improve the speed of your website. Each active plugin on your site adds an additional load to your server, so disabling any plugins that you’re not using can help reduce that load and improve the performance of your site.

9. Compress & Optimize Your Images

Compressing and optimizing your images can also help speed up your wordpress website. Large, unoptimized images can slow down page loading times, so by compressing and optimizing your images, you can reduce their file size and improve the speed of your site.

10. Optimize Your WordPress Database Regularly

Optimizing your WordPress database regularly can also help improve the speed of your website. Over time, your database can become cluttered with unnecessary data, such as post revisions, spam comments, and unoptimized tables. By optimizing your database, you can remove this unnecessary data and improve the performance of your site. 

Optimize Your WordPress Database Regularly - iamsakibulislam

11. WordPress Site Speed Optimization Plugins

Finally, there are several WordPress site speed optimization plugins that you can use to improve the speed and performance of your website. Some popular options include:

  • W3 Total Cache: This plugin is a caching and performance optimization plugin that can help improve the speed of your website by caching pages, posts, and other elements of your site.
  • WP Smush: This plugin can help optimize your images by compressing them and reducing their file size.
  • WP Optimize: This plugin can help optimize your database by removing unnecessary data and optimizing tables.
  • Autoptimize: This plugin can help optimize and minify your website’s code and files to reduce the loading time.
  • Lazy load: This plugin delays the loading of images on a page until they are visible to the user.


In this article I have described how websites become slow and why websites need to be very fast. So here are some of my ideas on how you can reduce your website loading time and make it faster than before.

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